
Thursday 1 August 2013

100 Worder Gone

100 Worder
Lindsay Bamfield
Bitter lemon

There she is dressed in dramatic black, weeping prettily, revelling in the fuss from the mourners. She is playing to perfection the role of widow. Has she forgotten that she is not his widow? I am. Yet I’m an embarrassment to those who remember that he never married her in the twenty years they were together. Twice the time he was with me. I doubt she loved him twice as much. I loved him enough to let him go when I was no longer wanted but she clung on to him like choking ivy so his only escape was suicide.

About the author
Lindsay Bamfield is a co-founder of Greenacre Writers in Finchley, North London. She has had several short stories and flash fiction pieces published in anthologies and online and is editing her first novel and working on her second.

If you want to send us a story in exactly 100 words check out the 100-Word Challenge here: LINK

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