
Thursday 8 August 2013

100 Worder My Name’s Jones

100 Worder

Alan Cadman

My Name’s Jones

Martini … shaken, not stirred

Jack’s job wasn’t very exciting; sales, commission only. He made it interesting, during his pitch to the customer, by pretending to be someone else. He stepped out of his car and buttoned up his coat.
Tonight, Jack thought, I’m going to be the world’s most famous spy.
Clutching his Quality Fitted Kitchens briefcase, he sauntered up a driveway and tapped on a door. When it creaked open he raised one eyebrow. “My name’s Jones … Jack Jones.”’
His eyes widened as a woman, stroking a white Persian cat on her arm, replied, “I’ve been expecting you, Mr Jones.”’

About the author
Alan has been writing short stories for six years. Before that, he was the editor of a civic society newsletter for seven years. When he first started writing fiction, his published work was rewarded with complimentary copies from magazines. His first cheque arrived on Christmas Eve 2009.

In 2011 he made the short list for one story and became a prize winner for flash fiction. Alan also won first prize, of £100, in a poetry competition in 2013. The last three accolades were awarded by the same best-selling UK magazine for writers. Alan’s work has been read out on Internet radio and his stories are now published in hard copy magazines and e-zines.

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