by Paula R C Readman
stale wine
‘Please, Megan I need more time.’ I shouted down the
phone even though I’d promised myself I wouldn’t.
‘Mum, we’ve already talked this over. I need to get
my life back on track. It’s a great opportunity for me. One, I’m sure, Dad
would’ve wanted me to take. I need you to be pleased for me.’
‘I am. Of course, I am,’ I lied.
‘It’s been five years, Mum. We agreed that I would
help run the business until you were back on your feet again, but if an
opportunity arose then I had to take it.’
‘I know, but I thought you would’ve waited until
I’m…’ I paused, not trusting myself.
Five years ago, my world fell apart when Laurence
left. No, not just my world, but Megan’s too. I couldn’t really expect her to
put her life on hold forever. It’s supposed to get easier, but it doesn’t. All
it does is turn you into a hard-headed dragon that roars selfishly at everyone
around you.
I wanted Megan at home because she reminded me so
much of her father, not just her looks, but her strength too. Oh, she’s right, I
needed to regain my independence, but America. It’s too far away.
‘Look Mum,’ she said, her voice cracking. ‘Once I’ve
found a place of my own, you’ll be able to join me.’
I knew she didn’t want to upset me, but I couldn’t
stop the feeling that she was deserting me too. I wanted to say I’m stronger
now, but I didn’t feel it in my heart.
I heard her exhale, and felt her trepidation, but I
held back not wanting the selfish dragon to scream down the line, ‘it’s all
right for you, but ‘what about me?’
‘Mum, think about it. A change of scenery will do you
good.’ Her voice lightened. ‘You can come and stay for as long as you want. When
the time is right, maybe you could sell up and join me here. Anyway, at least
think about it. I know it has been hard on you, but Dad would’ve wanted you to
enjoy your life. Please remember Mum, I miss him too.’
‘I know, Love.’
Her voice softened. ‘Mum, you really need to start
thinking about yourself. You’re still young.’
‘Old head on young shoulders,’ I muttered.
‘What? What did you say, Mum, I couldn’t hear
‘Nothing darling,’ I said brightly, not wishing her
to feel guilty about leaving.
‘Mum, they’re calling my plane. I’ve got to go
‘Promise, you’ll call me as soon as you touch down.’
I said mustering a cheerful voice, wanting to give her something positive.
‘Of course I will. I love you, Mum.’
Normally the ‘Rambler’s Rest,’ would’ve been fully
booked in the winter, just as it was in the summer months, but I wanted
Christmas alone, so I allowed the bookings to dwindle. It surprised Laurence
and I just how many people wanted to escape Christmas, so they booked a holiday
away from it all.
For the first time I understood their need to be on
their own. I hoped the time I spent alone would allow me to start planning a new
future. As I stood by the French windows, at the back of the property, wine
glass in hand, staring at the vast, empty moorland, I found myself watching the
first snowfall of the season. As the imperfections of the world disappeared
under a white quilt, the snowflakes became a flood blocking out even the pale
light of the full moon.
I found comfort in knowing that no two flakes were
alike. Their uniqueness mirrored my own situation. I wondered if Laurence was
still out there. Was he watching the snowflakes falling too? Had it really been
five years since our last hurried goodbye and his promised return?
‘Time changes everything,’ I muttered, drawing the
curtains, shutting out the coldness before crossing to the fireplace, and adding
another log to the dying embers.
As the fire erupted back into life, the log spat a
spray of red and yellow sparks into the dimly lit room, reminding me that
another Christmas had passed with no words from him. I poured another drink,
and stretched out on the sofa, offering up a toast to my past.
Megan was right; I couldn’t expect her to stay
I sipped the wine, not really tasting it and watched
the small dancing flames reinventing themselves, flaring up and then dying back.
I tried recalling the sound of Laurence’s voice, the touch of his lips and
warmth of his embrace.
With a sudden shudder, I woke. The early morning sun
leaked through a gap in the curtains, revealing the neglect that surrounded me.
Among the detritus of discarded rubbish, dirty plates, and cold cups of tea that
littered the dusty surfaces, my eyes settled on the collection of Christmas
cards. They reminded me how much love there was still in my life.
I ran my tongue around my mouth trying to free it
from the stale taste of the wine before I sat up. Aware for the first time, I
was still on the sofa. I rubbed my forehead and tried to remember the last time
I had given the place a damn good clean.
A little unsteady, I stood, and kicked the empty wine
bottle away. It rolled under the sofa as if it too was ashamed of what it had
done. I staggered to the bathroom and splashed cold water onto my face. As I
patted it dry with a musty smelling towel, I looked up.
The mirror above the sink revealed another unwelcome
friend. She stared back at me with questioning grey eyes.
‘I know,’ I answered her. ‘I’ll take a shower.’
Stripping off, I stepped under the shower. The force
of hot water took me back to the long hot summer when Laurence and I first met.
I’d just turned sixteen and was on my first holiday
without my parents. Tall, lanky, and unsure of myself, I stayed with my widowed,
Aunt Iris. She belonged to a ramblers club.
One day as we waited outside a pub on the moors for
the rest of the group to arrive, a tall, suntanned lad with fair hair and the
brightest sky-blue eyes I had ever seen, joined us. As Laurence’s parents and my
Aunt chatted together, he strode happily along beside me.
During that time, I learnt how passionate Laurence
was about the untamed moors and the natural world around us.
‘Oh Sally, this landscape is so beautiful,’ he said
as we followed the footpath ahead of the others. He would point out things of
interest to me, from butterflies to flowers, stone circles, to circling
buzzards. Soon I realised I had a rival for his love, but I understood why he
loved her so.
I couldn’t compete with her wild beauty, but I
acknowledged his passion. She wasn’t a selfish lover, sharing a deep sense of
freedom with all who travelled her many footpaths and bridleways under a clear
blue sky where the only sound heard was that of a skylark descending, with
nothing around for miles, but a sea of grasses, heathers, gorse, and of course
the sheep.
‘Never be deceived by her gentle beauty,’ Laurence
warned me as we wandered along hand in hand. ‘There’s many hidden dangers among
her dips and hollows.’
After stepping out of the shower, I rubbed my hair
dry and smirked into the mirror asking, ‘Why must all good things come to an
It would’ve been far easier if he’d fallen sick and
died, or even divorced me, but the sense of loss I suffered is too hard to
bear. Death is final. There are no ifs or buts. And, divorce, at least you can
shout at them. With Laurence’s disappearance, there’s no body, no one to shout
at, just many unanswered questions.
For years, Laurence and I had promised ourselves a
winter holiday at the ‘Rambler’s Rest’ in Yorkshire, where our love first began.
On Christmas morning, Laurence teased me awake.
‘Are you awake, Sally?’ he whispered, running his
fingertips down my chin, neck and between my breasts.
‘Please, Laurence,’ I mumbled sleepily, ‘allow me
time to wake up first, my darling.’
He kissed my lips, parting them with his tongue.
‘Not that, my sweet, as nice as it is.’ He laughed
and kissed me again. ‘Let’s go for an early morning walk.’
We wrapped up warm against the bitter, cutting winds
and headed out. Our footsteps the first to break the virginal snow as we set
off as soon as it was light enough to see. By midday, we headed back. The wind
had dropped and the sun, though cold, was bright.
As we removed our boots in the utility room, Mrs
Williamson popped her head round the door. ‘When you’re ready, please will you
join me in my private dining room for Christmas dinner?”
‘Of course, we’d love too.’ After showering,
Laurence and I got dressed up for the occasion. As I dried my hair, my husband
commented on the falling snow.
‘We got back just in time,’ he said as the snow
obscured our footprints.
‘Thank you for allowing us to join you,’ I said as
Annie showed us to our seats.
‘It’s my pleasure. So nice to share my last Christmas
here with you both, especially as I’ve known you two for such a long time,’ she
‘Your last Christmas?’ Laurence said, his fork
hovering in midair.
‘Yes, since my husband passed away, my son suggested
now would be a good time to put ‘Rambler’s Rest’ up for sale. The time has come
for me to do something else. Travel maybe. ’
Laurence’s face lit up, and I knew what he was
‘I’m sure it’s a lot of hard work on your own.’ he
said, putting down his fork.’
‘Oh it’s been worth it. I’ve enjoyed every day and
will miss waking up to the wonderful views, and of course all my lovely guests.
I hope whoever buys it enjoys the same life I’ve had living here.’
No sooner than we had climbed into bed that night,
Laurence hugged me tightly. ‘I’ve been thinking, Sally, isn’t it about time we
followed our hearts and…’
I placed a finger on his lips. ‘I knew it…you want to
take over ‘Rambler’s Rest’?’
He nodded, and kissed my fingertips. ‘Downsizing and
escape city living will do us both the world of good and our daughter too.’
Before Annie handed over the keys to us, she
explained, ‘being so isolated here, anyone caught out in bad weather finds out
quickly it’s an unforgiving place. Be prepared for every occasion. Keep plenty
of stores in as you can be cut off for months.’
‘Rambler’s Rest’ became a real family affair and a
Mecca too for the dedicated walkers, who stay every year. During the summer
months, some of Megan’s university friends helped us out to earn extra pocket
After a few mild winters, Annie’s warnings seemed
unfounded until one bitter cold morning five years ago. If anyone had warned me
what would’ve happened that day, I wouldn’t have believed it.
By late afternoon, it had warmed slightly. Busy in
the kitchen sorting out evening meals for our guests, I had the radio on,
checking the weather forecast.
‘The weather’s on the turn. The sky’s full of it.
Laurence said, coming in with a bucket of coal and an arm full of logs. His
blue eyes shone bright as his cheeks and nose from the cold outside. ‘Hmm, it
smells lovely in here. You’re making me feel hungry.’
‘Have the Highsmiths returned yet?’ I asked, peering
through the serving hatch into the dining room.
‘I haven’t seen them. The Roberts are in the lounge
reading, and the Longmans went to get ready for dinner.’ Laurence said as he
added some coal and another log to the range before emptying the rest of the
coal into the box beside the burner.
‘I’m worried about the Highsmiths.’ I checked on the
‘I’m sure they’ll be back soon.’ He looked out the
window, at the gathering storm clouds crossing the pale grey horizon.
‘I just hope so. Anyone can see there’s bad weather
on the way.’
He gave me a peck on the cheek. ‘Stop worrying. The
smell of your food will have them rushing back,’
I began loading the dishwasher. ‘They arrived with no
all-weathers-gear and went out this morning wearing designer trainers. Being
Londoners, they might think it’s like a stroll in Hyde Park on a winter’s day.’
‘I’ll go and have a word with the others. They might
have seen them. Hopefully they’re keeping to the main paths.’
Laurence returned just as I was emptying the
dishwasher, his face ashen.
‘What is it, love?’
‘The Roberts said they had seen them up by the old
alum works.’
‘No, what were they doing up there.’
‘The Roberts told them to start heading back, but
they wanted to finish exploring the works. What a pair of idiots!’ Laurence
snapped. ‘I’d best go and see if I can find them. To make matters worse it’s
snowing now, Sally.’
‘Laurence, you can’t go on your own. It’s a good
hour’s walk from here.’ I followed him through to the utility room.
‘Hopefully, they’re heading back. Call the rescue
team, and warn them. Let’s hope we don’t need them.’ He pulled on his hiking
boots, waterproofs, and an insulated jacket before grabbing a survival backpack.
On opening the back door, a blast of cold wind hit us. ‘I’ll be back before you
know it,’ he said and disappeared out into the swirling snowflakes.
With no last goodbye kiss, not even an ‘I love you.’
Laurence rushed off to look for the Highsmiths. I forced the door shut behind
him, and hurried to make the call.
‘Roger, it’s Sally from Rambler’s Rest. Laurence has
gone to the old alum works to see if he can find two of our missing guests.
Yes, he knows the weather is closing in, but he didn’t want to leave them out
there. Be careful Roger, I’ll see you soon.’
After feeding the rest of guests and supplying hot
drinks to some of the rescue party who arrived back tired, cold and unsuccessful
in their search, I stood, by the window, hot chocolate in hand, as night drew
Through the snow flurries, I saw a group of figures,
little more than crude outlines, their heads down, battling against the wind,
which was trying to erase them. Once they crossed the threshold, I searched
among the familiar faces unable to find Laurence.
The Highsmiths huddled together by a roaring fire,
holding mugs of hot chocolate while through chattering teeth they thanked
everyone for finding them. The rescuers stood round despondently, waiting for
the storm to break so they could look for Laurence. After a week of searching,
they finally had to call it off.
After thanking them all, I went onto the snow driven
moors and screamed out his name, begging for his return.
With Megan’s help, I focused on the business setting
our loss to one side. With a bright smile, I sent my guests off hiking for the
day, though secretly, I hoped that one of them would stumble upon Laurence’s
backpack, mobile, or even a boot. Anything that would let us know what had
become of him, but of course, they were here to enjoy their holidays, not to
free me from my sadness.
The first winter without Laurence left me feeling
like Catherine Ernshaw as I longed for the return of my Heathcliff. Sometimes,
when I was preoccupied with cleaning, a flash of brilliant light would
illuminate the room. Dashing to the window, I was sure I could see his familiar
form striding across the flat, valley floor towards the stile that marked our
As he clambered over, he would give me a wave, his
signal to have his glass of brandy ready by the roaring fire in the lounge to
take the chill from his bones.
Now dressed, I jammed the wet towels in the washing
machine, and noticed the calendar. Three months had passed since Megan went to
America. She’s right about a change of scenery, though I’m not sure whether
America is what I need right now.
Outside, I hugged my coat to me. The sharp, cold
air, takes my breath away as I stroll towards the stile. A sudden ‘kiew’
makes me look up. Overhead a buzzard circles, soaring high against the white
sky before disappearing from view.
‘Oh Laurence, my darling.’ I let my tears fall,
knowing the time has come.
‘Kiew, Kiew,’ echoes across the icy landscape,
pulling me out of my thoughts. Above the buzzard had returned, and with it, its
As they circled, I acknowledged them, knowing that
the moorland mistress has won. I whispered, ‘He’s yours to keep.’
I climb back over the stile, and see the signs of
rebirth in the melting snow as blades of dull green with the drooping heads of
snowdrops nodding gently in the cold breeze. They are the ones Laurence and I
planted during our first spring here so long ago.
Maybe it was just my imagination, though I like to
think its Laurence’s way of letting me know it is time for me to move on.
He may be lost to me, taken by the mistress of the
moor, who has his heart, body and soul. Wherever Laurence’s final resting place
is, he is not alone, with the buzzards, curlews, and the standing stones.
I hurry back to the warmth of the ‘Rambler’s Rest.’
Tomorrow, I shall wish Megan a happy New Year, and ask if she’s ready for a
visit from her Mum.
Like snowflakes falling, I’ll take things one step at
a time, and who knows where the future may lead me.
Wonderful, it's like your painting a picture with words