
Friday 30 October 2020

Finding My Feet

 by Allison Symes

cream soda

It was a tough job, you know, and worse I couldn’t argue with the boss. I was told I had to go around all the houses in my master’s Kingdom to find the one girl whose foot would fit this glass slipper the Prince found.

I was not impressed. For a start, the Kingdom is big!

Secondly, that glass slipper looked to be a standard size 4 to me. I come from a long line of cobblers and have an eye for these things. Before you ask, I am not talking cobblers.  I know my sizes. I just didn’t fancy a working life based around feet which is why I entered the Royal Household. It is a bit ironic I’ve turned out to be one of the footmen. I do wonder if the Prince who chose me has a sense of humour.

Anyway, I was miffed when HRH said I had go to around all the houses. It’s not as if I’m ever short of things to do in my role. And all I could think when the boss told me what I had to do was that there must be hundreds of girls that shoe could fit.

But I was as surprised as anyone when it turned out to only fit Cinderella. Nice kid. I was pleased she married the Prince. I was even more pleased to see her awful stepmother and stepsisters quietly fuming at the royal wedding. Served them right.

They were so rude to the Royal Household. They came into the Palace almost as if they owned the place. It was stupid of them. Who do you think told the boss? Who do you think were evicted from their property only last week because the landlord, a friend of the Prince, suddenly realised he needed his building back?

But I do know one thing.

I never want to see another woman’s bare foot ever again.

You’d have thought that the potential candidates would at least have cleaned their feet before I turned up with the posh cushion and the glass slipper. Only one did.

As I say, she’s a nice kid.

About the author

Allison Symes, who loves reading and writing quirky fiction, is published by Chapeltown Books, Cafelit, and Bridge House Publishing.  She is a member of the Society of Authors and Association of Christian Writers.  Her website is at

She blogs for Chandler’s Ford Today often on topics of interest to writers -

Her Amazon Author Central page is at and her latest flash fiction collection, Tripping The Flash Fantastic, is now out in Kindle and paperback.

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