Sunday 28 July 2024

Sunday Serial:240 x 70, 27. A Space of His Own 15 January 2019 by Gill James, cold beer



This collection is a collection of seventy stories, each 240 words. They were inspired by the first picture seen on my Twitter feed on a given day.

    27.  A Space of His Own 15 January 2019

 It was grey on the outside but the pictures Dylan had seen of the inside were promising. Did he really belong here, though? This was right, wasn't it?

He pushed the door open.

Yes.It was just like the photos he'd seen. Thick carpets in the lounge areas and hardwood floors in the work pods. Gentle muzak.  Smartly dressed receptionists. Purposeful busyness.

"Can I help you?" She didn't look as if she'd take any nonsense.

"I'm here to see Matt Schandler."

As he'd expected. Designer suit. Designer hair style? And expensive aftershave.

"Do you think you'd prefer hot desks for you and your company? Or are the fixed ones a better option."

"Oh we'll hot desk.  I expect we'll be in the theatre a lot. How easy will that be to organise?"

Matt grinned. "It should be all right if you book it far enough in advance. Would you like another look?"

He nodded.

Seconds later they were back in the theatre. Yes, it would do very well. The tiered seating was flexible.  Stage blocks meant you could set any sort of scene that you wanted. The decor was young and energetic.

"Well, how many slots?"

Dylan's palms were sweating now and he had a lump in his throat. This was going to cost a lot.

"I'd book sooner rather than later," said Matt. "This space is popular."

Oh heck. He'd got the money from the Dragons, hadn't he? They expected him to spend it all wisely didn't they?

About the author 

Gill James is published by The Red Telephone, Butterfly and Chapeltown.  

She edits CafeLit and writes for the online community news magazine: Talking About My Generation.

She teaches Creative Writing and has an MA in Writing for Children and PhD in Creative and Critical Writing.

Did you enjoy the story? Would you like to shout us a coffee? Half of what you pay goes to the writers and half towards supporting the project (web site maintenance, preparing the next Best of book etc.)

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