
Friday 9 August 2024

Summer Nights – A collection of very short stories by Leonie Jarrett, a glass of Prosecco

A Summer’s Night at the Airport


It was meant to be easy. Just a short flight to a hot, summer holiday. But the plane has been delayed.


What should have been our first holiday summer night is a long, boring wait at the airport where the lighting is too harsh and the air-conditioning is too cold.


Long, languorous nights


When I was a parent of young children, I longed for darkness to fall in summer so that my children would sleep.


Now that I am a parent of adult children, I long for the summer nights where we all gather as a family over a barbeque to chat and laugh.



Puglia al fresco


All of us gathered around the table brimming with delights that we purchased daily from the market.


All of us bronzed with the Italian sun and lit with the happiness of family and food.


All of us laughing at each other’s stories.


All of us truly living “la dolce vita.”




One hundred and nine years later, I came and visited where you rest. The heat was searing.


What were you thinking as you endured those summer nights until you were finally sent over that ridge?


Was your last thought of your Mum or your darling?


A Night at the Opera


Patrons wearing dinner suits and ballgowns file into the Roman Arena built two thousand years ago. They sit in their finery on ancient, stone benches, gathering to hear a Puccini opera one hundred years after his death.


The arias soar under the stars on a balmy night. Twenty-two thousand people are spellbound.



About the author  

Leonie Jarrett lives in Melbourne, Australia with her Husband of more than 3 decades, two of her four adult children and her two Golden Retrievers. Leonie is a lawyer and has owned several businesses. Now that she is semi-retired, Leonie is loving writing rivers of words. 

Did you enjoy the story? Would you like to shout us a coffee? Half of what you pay goes to the writers and half towards supporting the project (web site maintenance, preparing the next Best of book etc.)

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