Sunday 6 October 2024

Sunday Serial: 240 x 70, 37 Handwritten, breakfast tea


This collection is a collection of seventy stories, each 280 words. They were inspired by the first picture seen on my Twitter feed on a given day. 


The day was grey and miserable. That suited her mood though. There could be nothing good about today. Had it all been a mistake?  This isolated house and turning her back on the well-paid safe job in the big city.

The post thudded on to the front door mat. Nothing good ever came through the front door.  And she avoided the post girl anyway. She couldn't counter that sullen face and abrupt manner.

She supposed she ought to go and pick them up. Oh, yes.  Just as she'd thought.  Bills bills and more bills. Brown envelopes. White envelopes. Some of them - most of them in fact - had red writing on them.

That one looked a bit different though. A London post mark. She trembled as she opened it. No. Why had she got so excited?  It was just another rejection. Not even a personal one. Just the standard little slip.

She sighed.

Then the doorbell rang.  It was the post girl holding out what looked like a card. "Forgot this. It's too big to go through the door. Somebody's birthday or summat? " The girl was frowning.  She didn't wait for a reply.

Birthday? No thank you. She didn't want that. It wouldn't be for several months. That would be something ls to be miserable about though at least it would be a few years nearer to the time when she could collect the state pension.

She held her breath as she opened the card.

Class 9E. Thank yous. Little verses.

"We miss you."

"Will you come back next year?"

"Thank you. My dad's really proud of my poem."

All beautifully handwritten.

So, perhaps it was worth it after all.       

About the author

Gill James is published by The Red Telephone, Butterfly and Chapeltown.  

She edits CafeLit and writes for the online community news magazine: Talking About My Generation.

She teaches Creative Writing and has an MA in Writing for Children and PhD in Creative and Critical Writing. 

Did you enjoy the story? Would you like to shout us a coffee? Half of what you pay goes to the writers and half towards supporting the project (web site maintenance, preparing the next Best of book etc.)

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