Tuesday, 31 December 2024

My “Christmas To Do” List by Leonie Jarrett, a stiff whisky

I give up on the idea of sleep and sit up straighter in bed. I open the “Christmas To Do” Note on my phone and start scrolling.

1.      Wrap puzzle for Billy.

2.      Wrap LEGO for Olly.

3.      Grab MECCA voucher for Lucy. I can strike that one off. I’ve done that one.

4.      Buy flowers for the table.

Robbie turns over and half opens his eyes, “What time is it?”

“6.30,” I say.

“It’s Christmas Eve,” Robbie murmurs groggily. “Go back to sleep.”

“I can’t. I’ve got too much to do.”

“Don’t stress so much Jess. It’s Christmas.”

“I know it’s Christmas Robbie. That’s why I’ve got so much to do.”

“Arghh, I need more sleep. My head hurts after last night’s work drinks.”

Robbie turns over and starts snoring almost instantly. It’s a talent to sleep so easily. I don’t have it.

Anyway, back to my list:

5.      Peel potatoes and carrots and pop in water.

6.      Top and tail beans.

7.      Glaze ham.

8.      Check that enough wine, beer and champagne are in the fridge.

9.      Make pavlova.

10.  Check that have cream and berries to decorate pavlova.

I lean my head briefly against the upholstered bedhead. My head hurts too but not from alcohol; from lack of sleep and a hectic, frenzied brain. I can’t sleep off my sore head. Too much to do.

There is a blood-curdling scream from the kitchen.

Springing out of bed and rushing to the kitchen, I see Billy with his hand cupped over his bloodied mouth.

“Hi Mummy,” says Olly brightly with his mouth full of gingerbread. “Billy climbed up on the stool to get some gingerbread and fell off. He’s lost a tooth but don’t worry it was the front, wiggly one.”

“Open your mouth. Billy,” I sigh. “Why are you two up so early and why are you eating the gingerbread? They are for tomorrow. I only left them on the bench because it was so late last night when I finished making them.”

“I only had one Mummy,” munched Olly. “It’s yum!”

“Back to bed boys. You look fine Billy. You might be lucky and have a visit from Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairy tonight.”

I tuck my boys back into bed, terribly cute in their matching Christmas PJs.

Giving up on the idea of going back to bed myself, I make a cup of tea and sit down wearily at the kitchen table.

I quickly type a new Note on my phone - SET TOOTH FAIRY ALARM. $2 COIN UNDER BILLY’S PILLOW.

I hesitate for a moment and then I add, FIND A $2 COIN.

OK, now, back to the Christmas list:

11.  Set the table. Red and orange striped bonbons are in the hall cupboard.

12.  Nag Robbie to mow the lawn.

NB. Jess, be mindful. The boys won’t be this little again. BREATHE. ENJOY.

About the author  

Leonie Jarrett lives in Melbourne, Australia with her Husband of more than three decades, two of her four adult children and her two Golden Retrievers. Leonie is a lawyer and has owned several businesses. Now that she is semi-retired, Leonie is loving writing rivers of words. 

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