
Monday, 10 February 2025

Freedom by Allison Symes, red apple juice

The day the mirror shattered was the day I found my freedom.

I hadn’t asked to be trapped inside that wretched thing. I hadn’t asked to be forced to tell the truth regardless of what question was asked or who asked it. I knew the moment I told Madam she was no longer the fairest in the land she would try to kill Snow White. So it proved. Glad the girl escaped all right. How do I know?

Simple. The moment Snow White was set free from her enchantment - always beware suspiciously red apples by the way, if it’s too red to be natural, there is something wrong - I too was freed. I am a genie, caught by Madam many years ago and put to work inside the mirror, always there to flatter her vanity. I hated every moment of it.

How did she catch me? She made a bet with me. I like a gamble but I lost this. She made the bet with me I couldn’t tell the truth no matter if my life depended on it. I said I could. She said prove it and then trapped me in the mirror.

I then told the truth all of the time of course but she said it was too late. I would only be freed when love set me free. She laughed horribly. She assumed the love would have to be for me. No chance of that with me trapped, was there?

But I guess it proves love can find a way if it wants. It isn’t just Snow White who is now free to live a good life. I’m off now. Not sure what I’ll do yet but I’ve been told by one of the dwarves not to go to Earth or enter their politics. Truth is a rarity there and I would find things hard going. Honesty is ingrained now so he’s probably right I’m best off here in the magical realm.

Wish me luck anyway, won’t you? I’m not nasty. I didn’t want to help Madam. I really couldn’t help myself. Still, I may peep in on the royal wedding and see if I can have some of the cake. I always have been partial to cake. I won’t be touching the apples in the fruit bowl. I bet Snow White doesn’t either!


About the author

Allison Symes, who loves quirky fiction, is published by Chapeltown Books, CafeLit, and Bridge House Publishing. She writes for Chandler’s Ford Today and Writers’ Narrative. 




Her flash fiction collections are From Light to Dark and Back Again and Tripping The Flash Fantastic. 

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