This collection is a collection of seventy stories, each 280 words. They were inspired by the first picture seen on my Twitter feed on a given day.
55. Pie Charts
"Just look at this." Cindy pointed to her screen. "It's worrying."
Arnie looked at the pie chart. Why green, yellow, blue orange? Green for go, he supposed. The sections looked reasonably even though yellow was the biggest and yes green for go next.
"What does this mean, "couldn't vote"," he asked.
"All those people who pay taxes here but don't have full citizenship? People whose postal votes were lost? Those who have the right to vote but didn't register it in time?"
"Yeah, I guess. And those who didn't vote?"
"Unbelievable, isn't it? I do know that some of my students were confused about where they could vote. I wish they'd get their act together and figure it out. It’s not good moaning if they don’t like the outcome.”
"Darn!" Cindy stamped her foot. "They wouldn't let a Trade Union call a strike on those figures."
Arnie studied the figures: yellow 18,604.470, green 17,410,742, blue 16,141,241 and orange 12,949,28. More people living here and not allowed to vote than those who voted for this crucial decision?
"And he calls this an "instruction"? How is this an "instruction"? The damn thing was only supposed to be advisory. The clue's in the name. They were referring to the people, not getting an instruction from them."
She started typing furiously.
"You job is to assert and defend what you consider to be the national interest, so get to it you great big plonker. And tell your mates as well."
He put his hand on her shoulder. "Clam down love. You're putting your blood pressure up again."
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